Bonus Section!
Step 21: Adding to Your Scene

If you have completed all of your work and find yourself with some free time, this step will give you some ideas for adding to and improving your space scene.

Have a look at each section below and decide what you would like to add. Keep in mind that any additional work you do will earn you extra credit and make your space scene stand out.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you choose to complete any of the items that follow:


Repeat Step 13, but instead of using one of the satellite photos, find and use a picture of the actual moon...

Keep the following in mind:


Repeat Step 13, but instead of using one of the satellite photos, use extremly close-up images of unique objects such as one of the following:

Keep the following in mind:


This involves putting an image of the ground at the bottom of your space scene so that it looks like you are standing on the planet looking up at the sky...

Keep the following in mind:


Find a picture of the space shuttle on the Internet and place it in orbit around one of your planets...

Keep the following in mind:


Find a picture of a satellite on the Internet and place it in orbit around one of your planets...

Keep the following in mind:


This one has your solar system being invaded. Go online and find images showing spaceships and place them in your scene...

Keep the following in mind:


There are 6 different types of galaxies...

Each can give your space scene a little extra flair, but it is difficult to make them look realistic. To help you out, I have put together a separate tutorial that covers in depth how to create 3 different spiral galaxies and gives you pointers on how to create the other 5 types.

Head over to the Adding a Galaxy to Your Space Scene tutorial to find out how add a galaxy to your space scene (hence the name).

Here is what a spiral galaxy looks like in the space scene...

Keep the following in mind:


You could create tons of asteroids the same way you did in Step 16 and shrink them down so that you have a nice asteroid belt...

but a better way is to take one of the asteroids from Step 16 and use it to create a custom brush. We don't have time in this lesson to cover how to do this, so if you are interested in this you will need to find instructions for doing this online.

Keep the following in mind:


This one is complicated, so if you choose to do it be sure you have enough time to complete it. For this you will need to take your planets and animate them so that they orbit your star (yes, it is possible for your planet to move around the star even while the star is in the corner of your scene). You can make your planets move the same way you made your spaceship fly across the screen.

Keep the following in mind:

Remember, save any work you do on this step as STEP21 - do not save your work to your Space17, Step20, or Final files.

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