Step 08: Completing Your Face

So far we are looking pretty good, but we still have that problem with the clear 'shadow' around our lines. The Backing layer is about to come to our rescue.

  1. Open your Face07 file in Photopea
  2. Select the Cartoon layer and make sure the other three layers are locked
  3. Select the Magic Wand Tool...

    If you do not see the Magic Wand Tool then you currently have the Quick Selection Tool active, simply right-click the Quick Selection Tool and in the menu that pops up...

    Select the Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand Tool is used to make selections of large areas of the same color, or in our case an absence of color.

  1. With the Cartoon layer selected, click with the Magic Wand Tool in the transparent area around your head...

    to select all of the transparent area around your head

We actually don't want to do anything with the transparent area around your head, instead we want to add some black ink behind your head. We need to invert (or reverse) our selection.

  1. On the Menu Bar, click Select and then click Inverse...

    Notice that your face is now selected...
  2. In the Layers panel, lock the Cartoon layer...

    This prevents us from accidentally making changes to it
  3. Turn the visibility of the Cartoon layer off...
  4. Make the Backing layer the active layer...
  5. Turn the visibility of the Backing layer on...
  6. Unlock the Backing layer...

Notice that there should still be a transparent selection in the shape of your head...

Let's fill this selection with black. We first need to set the foreground color back to black.

  1. Click the Default color button to set the Foreground color to black and the Background color to white...
  2. With the backing layer selected, click Edit on the Menu Bar and then click Fill...

    The Fill window opens...
  3. Make sure your settings match those in the image above
  4. Click OK - your head outline should now be filled with black...
  5. Press Ctrl+D on the keyboard to deselect your head outline
  6. Turn the visibility of your Cartoon layer back on - your face should now have awesome lines...

If you zoom in on your line now you should notice that it has nice, smooth edges...

This is the same eyebrow area that was zoomed in on in the last Step

Just a real quick word of explanation here. If you are familiar with working in Photopea (or Photoshop), then you know that there are other ways to do away with the clear halo that we just got rid of. In fact, there are several ways to go about creating our cartoon face that avoids creating the clear halo in the first place. So why did we do it this way? The easy explanation is that it taught us some skills and techniques that are helpful to know when working with Photopea. On top of that, the thicker black line that comes from using the black Backing layer actually makes our image look much better, cleaner, and more colorful. Just goes to show that there are usually several different ways to do things in Photopea.

This will do it for your work on your face. Take the time now to look over your face and make sure you are happy with it as we will be closing it and won't be using it again until Step 19. If there is anything you don't like, take the time now to fix it.

  1. Click File then click Save as PSD
  2. Name the file Face08

This marks the end of Part I: Your Face. Be sure your file is saved correctly. In the next step, we will begin work on Part II: The Space Scene, where we will create an amazing space panorama!

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